
Kelsey Murphy – The Coaches Incubator

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $70.00.


Are you a coach looking to discover a new way to organize the people you coach? Or maybe you’re just starting out and want to find some people to practice your new coaching skills with? Either way, this blog post is for you!

We’ll walk you through how to create a successful and effective system for organizing the people you coach, pro-bono or paid. We’ll also guide you through how to find the right people to practice your new coaching skills on, and how to create measurements for validating five or more coaching sessions.

Organizing the People You Coach

Organizing the people you coach can be difficult, especially if you’re just starting out. Creating a system that works for you and your clients is key for having a successful coaching relationship. Here’s how to get started:

1. Create a coaching plan: Make sure to create a plan for each person you coach. This will help you keep track of all the different elements of coaching that you’ll need to work on.

2. Set boundaries: Establish boundaries within the coaching relationship. This includes setting rules and expectations for both parties.

3. Assign tasks: Assign tasks to each person you coach. These tasks should be specific and should be tailored to the individual’s needs.

4. Track progress: Track the progress of each person you coach. This will help you ensure that they are meeting their goals and objectives.

Finding Your People to Practice Your Coaching Skills On

Once you have a system in place, it’s time to find the right people to practice your coaching skills on. Here are some tips for finding the right people:

1. Use social media: Use social media platforms to advertise your services. This will help you reach a wider audience and give you the chance to connect with potential clients.

2. Network: Attend networking events and meetups to connect with people who are looking for coaching services.

3. Create a website: Create a website to showcase your services and qualifications. This will help people find you easier and make it easier for potential clients to get in touch.

Creating Your Measurements For Validating Coaching Sessions

Creating a system for measuring the success of your coaching sessions is key for ensuring that you’re delivering the right results to your clients. Here are some tips for creating effective measurements:

1. Client feedback: Ask your clients to provide feedback after each session. This will help you identify areas that need to be improved and ensure that your coaching is effective.

2. Session objectives: Set objectives for each session and track your client’s progress. This will help you measure the success of your coaching.

3. Observe behavior: Observe your client’s behavior throughout the session to track their progress. This will help you identify areas that need to be worked on and measure success.


Organizing the people you coach, finding the right people to practice your skills on, and creating measurements for validating coaching sessions are all essential elements of being a successful coach. Following the tips outlined in this blog post will help you create a successful and effective system for organizing the people you coach, pro-bono or paid.

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Kelsey Murphy – The Coaches Incubator
Kelsey Murphy – The Coaches Incubator
$997.00 Original price was: $997.00.$70.00Current price is: $70.00.

Are you a coach looking for a better way to organize the people you coach, whether pro-bono or paid? Do you want to find more people to practice your new coaching skills on and create more meaningful measurements for validating your sessions?

If so, then it’s time to explore a new way to organize your coaching relationships. Here’s a step-by-step look at how to make the most of your current and future coaching sessions.

Step 1: Identify Your Coaching Niche

The first step in organizing your coaching relationships is to identify your coaching niche. This means deciding who you are and what type of coaching you provide. Are you a career coach, a life coach, a health coach, a business coach, an executive coach, or something else? Knowing the type of coaching you offer will help you determine the type of people you should target and the type of services you should offer.

Step 2: Find Your People

Once you’ve identified your coaching niche, it’s time to find the people who are a good fit for your services. You can do this by networking with people in your field, joining coaching-related groups, and searching for potential clients on social media. You can also offer free coaching sessions to get feedback from potential clients and build your reputation.

Step 3: Develop Measurements for Validating Sessions

Once you’ve found people to coach, it’s time to develop measurements for validating your sessions. This is important to ensure that your coaching is effective and that your clients are getting the results they want. Some things to consider are creating pre- and post-session surveys, tracking client progress, and providing feedback for each session.

Step 4: Set Up Your Coaching Process

The final step in organizing your coaching relationships is to set up your coaching process. This involves determining how you will communicate with your clients, how they will pay you, and any other details that need to be ironed out. It’s also important to have a set of guidelines and expectations that you and your clients can follow.

Organizing the people you coach can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and organization, you can create a system that works for you and your clients. By following the steps outlined above, you can start to find the right people to practice your new coaching skills on and create measurements for validating your sessions. With this new system in place, you’ll be able to provide better services to your clients and build a successful coaching business.


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