
Cat Howell – Portal Jumps

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $100.00.


The riddle of time has been a long-standing one. We strive to control and manipulate it, yet it always seems to elude us, and we are left with a sense of disenchantment. We yearn for freedom of time, yet it never seems to be enough. We speak of divine timing, yet we want what we want now, and we try to collapse timelines, yet, we continue to spin our wheels.

It is this desire for freedom, for more time, that gives birth to the dreamer in us. We may not even realise it, but when we dream, we time travel. We reminisce on the past and anxious of the future. We have the superpower of the human to traverse time, yet it often feels painful and creates a dissonance within our current circumstances.

This week, I held my first workshop on time: Portal Jumps. An exploration of retroactive enchantments and how to create portal jumps through time. We looked at the ways in which we can leave our human body and explore the was, is, and will be through the lens of alchemy. We explored the resistance that can be created in the body when we leave it behind and how it no longer feels safe in the now.

Through this workshop, I learned that time is a powerful force that can be manipulated and controlled, not through physical means, but through our minds. We can create a portal jump and move through time, allowing us to experience different moments that have already happened, are happening now, and will happen in the future. We have the power to explore and to create our own enchantments and experiences.

Portal jumps can be used to create a bridge between the past and the present, allowing us to access the wisdom of our ancestors and to draw on the power of our lineage. It also allows us to tap into the energy of the future, allowing us to manifest our dreams and desires. With this power, comes great responsibility and it is important to use it wisely and with respect.

Through my first workshop on retroactive enchantments, I have learned that time is a powerful force that can be manipulated and controlled. We have the power to explore and to create our own enchantments and experiences. With this power, comes great responsibility, and it is important to use it wisely and with respect.

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Portal Jumps by Cat Howell
Cat Howell – Portal Jumps
$997.00 Original price was: $997.00.$100.00Current price is: $100.00.

We are all dreamers of time, wishing for more of it, for it to move faster, for our desires to be fulfilled. But what if there was another way to explore the past, present and future? What if there was a way to collapse timelines and make portal jumps through time?

This week I had the pleasure of leading a workshop on the topic of time and portal jumps through time. It was a powerful exploration into the ways we can use alchemy to travel through time. We looked at the ways we can leave our human body and travel through the past, present and future.

During this workshop, we discussed the concept of retroactive enchantments. This is the ability to go back in time and change or adjust an event or experience in your life. It is an incredibly powerful tool that has the potential to create huge shifts in our present and future reality.

We also discussed the power of intention and the manifestation of our dreams and desires. When we use retroactive enchantments, it is important to be intentional about our dreams and desires. We want to make sure we are using this power for our highest good.

The power of retroactive enchantments lies in our ability to make changes to events and experiences that have already occurred. We can use these enchantments to create a new path for our future, one where we can manifest our dreams and desires.

Finally, we discussed the importance of being grounded in the present moment and staying connected to our body. When we are time travelling and using retroactive enchantments, our body can often become overwhelmed and resistant. It is important to practice self-care and to stay connected to our body throughout this process.

Overall, this workshop was an incredibly powerful exploration into the concepts of time, alchemy and retroactive enchantments. Through this workshop, we learned the power of intention, manifestation and how to create time portal jumps through time. We also explored the importance of staying connected to our body and being grounded in the present moment. If you are looking to explore the realms of time and alchemy, I highly recommend this workshop.





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